Находка (стр. 38-45)
Порт в бухте Находка
The port in Nakhodka Bay
Залив Находка
The Nakhodka Bay
Nakhodka («a Lucky Find») is one of the largest cities and seaports of the Far East. It owes its name to the bay of the same name, into which a corvette-steamship «America» entered on June 18th, 1859, with Governor-General of Eastern Siberia N.N.Muravyev-Amursky on board. The corvette crew charted the bay outline. Navigating officer Krasilnikov made an epoch-making entry in the logbook: «At 6 o’clock in the morning we pulled anchor and went to survey the shore; noticing a recess, we discovered a bay. On the order of his Excellency the bay was named Nakhodka.»
Before long, on the place the today’s city occupies a hydrographic post was erected; later, a trading station and a number of settlements arose there. A quantum leap in the development of the territory took place after the Great Patriotic war when the Soviet government decided to build a large seaport-city in the bay. In 1950, Nakhodka assumed a town status. Nakhodka is often called the eastern gates of Russia.
The present-day city represents the main avenue passing along the coastline and following its contour. Numerous streets branch off from that «ridge» into the mainland.
Along with buildings dating back to the times of Stalin and Khrushchev, there are modern multistoreyed houses and beautiful cottage settlements. Nakhodka is developing...
Станция Тихоокеанская
Station Tikhookeanskaya
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Панорама залива и города Находка
Panorama of the Bay and city of Nakhodka
Добро пожаловать в Находку!
Welcome to Nakhodka!
Предгрозовой закат
Pre-storm sunset