Русский - это прилагательное (стр. 30-33)
Russky is an adjective
After a grandiose bridge was erected in 2012 across the Northern Bosphorus Strait, the Russky («Russian») Island has become an integral part of Vladivostok. In addition to old fortification facilities, situated here is the Far-Eastern University, an oceanarium, and a lot more attractions.
The island has a complex coastline, several bays run deep inland, the largest of them being the Nosik («a small cape») Bay penetrating into the mainland for 12 kilometers as a long narrow arm. The bay divides the island into two unequal parts: a larger southwestern one and a smaller northeastern one called the Saperny («field-engineers») Peninsula. The relief is mountainous, characteristic of the southern Primorye. The shores are mostly rocky and steep, with narrow beaches. There is a number of small uninhabited islands close to the island’s shores.
When on the Russky Island, it may be a good idea to visit the oceanarium on the Zhitkov Cape and then to go around the island counterclockwise: the Pacific-Navy Military-Historical Museum «Voroshilov Battery», Tserkovnaya Pad («Church Fold»), the monument to mine-layers on the Shigin Cape, St. Seraphim Monastery, Ushi («Ears») Islands, the Kruglaya («Round») Bay, a dimorphoteca grove, Engelm and Shkot Islands, and a beautiful Tobizin Cape.
В музее Тихоокеанского флота «Ворошиловская батарея»
The Pacific-Navy Military-Historical Museum «Voroshilov Battery»
Океанариум на острове Русском
The oceanarium on the Russky island
Взлёт сокола-сапсана
The rise of Falco peregrinus
Подгляделки. Длиннохвостая неясыть
The view. Strix uralensis
Бакланы Японские
Phalacrocorax capillatus